by Suzann Thompson | Jul 22, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Doily Adventure, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, Texas Crochet Heritage, TextileFusion
We’re celebrating Celebrate Doilies today, July 22, with an opening reception from noon to 2 p.m. at the Cross Timbers Fine Arts Council, 204 River North Boulevard, in Stephenville, Texas. Just look for the big doilies on the front of the building. The one on...
by Suzann Thompson | Jul 19, 2017 | Life, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
Pacing myself to finish a Christmas project worked so well last year, I’m doing it again this year with this cute felt kit by Bucilla. Boringly named “Train–Wall Hanging,” Bucilla kit number 86365 features Santa driving a steam train engine...
by Suzann Thompson | Jul 19, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Doily Adventure, Exhibits & Programs, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
As you walk through the Sacred Threads art quilt exhibit, you can listen to a recording of artists talking about their work. (More about the exhibit below.) Coming up with a one-minute commentary about my piece, A Worthy Accomplishment, was a new challenge for me. I...
by Suzann Thompson | Jun 10, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Doily Adventure, Exhibits & Programs, Retro Blog Post, Texas Crochet Heritage, TextileFusion
I am very honored to have the Celebrate Doilies! exhibit featured in two well-known crochet blogs! Please follow the links and read new information and a behind-the-scenes look at Celebrate Doilies! Rachel Choi hosts the popular Crochet Spot blog, where readers can...
by Suzann Thompson | May 28, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Crochet Bouquet, Crochet Garden, Doily Adventure, Exhibits & Programs, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
Exciting news! Today, I launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to cover the remaining expenses of the Celebrate Doilies! exhibit you’ve been reading about on this blog. Donation levels start at just $5.00, and there are rewards for each level. The more...
by Suzann Thompson | May 27, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Doily Adventure, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, Texas Crochet Heritage, TextileFusion
Sunday, May 28, at 12:30 p.m. Central Time, I will launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to cover the remaining expenses of the Celebrate Doilies! exhibit you’ve been reading about on this blog. Donation levels start at just $5.00, and there are rewards...