We had a button planning session today for the Snowflake wall hanging. I arranged buttons. Eva gave advice. We moved buttons around. We added more buttons. We took buttons away. Eva took pictures. Ella jumped over everything repeatedly.

Snowflake Dreams of Spring

Here is the arrangement we agreed to be the best. There are a lot of buttons, but not too many, we think. The dark ones at the yellow tips and the yellow ones between the flaps really give contrast and definition to the piece. So I have quite a bit of button sewing to do during the next few evenings.

Eva photographed an oblique view of the piece, which I really liked. Here it is.

Snowflake Dreams of Spring

This same Eva a had a moment of brilliance this evening. She made a comment that, for me, encapsulated the attitude of an entire generation. Let me set the stage for you. She and her dad were midway through a game of Pente. Eva made a play, and her dad said, “You’re so predictable.” Eva said, “Some girls I know at school say that, but they can’t use long words like ‘predictable.’ They say, ‘You’re, like, so…whatever.'”

Now it took me a few minutes to record this moment accurately, and I kept distracting Eva from the game to verify certain quotes. In response to this moment of clarity, this profound insight into an entire generation, Eva’s dad, my husband, Charles, said, “Let’s play. I’m bored.”

After read the last paragraph out loud, Charles says, “No, this isn’t accurate. It was five minutes of you saying, ‘Eva, what did you say, exactly?’ and Eva saying, ‘Uhhhhhh, you’re like, whatever?’ Then you would say, ‘Yes, but what led up to that last comment?’ and Eva would say, ‘Uhhhhh.'”

I can barely type this, because I’m laughing so hard that tears are streaming from my eyes. Come on. We don’t have a TV. We have to take our entertainment wherever we can get it.

Updated November 2016 to fix formatting problems and add Eva’s website, now that she is a journalist, with an eye for interesting and profound stuff.