Last week we were in the neighborhood of Twisted Yarns, and lovely yarn shop in Spring, Texas. Naturally, we dropped by. I need a particular color of light violet, maybe mauve, for a class sample. Manos del Uruguay had the perfect shade, so I had to buy it.

I couldn’t resist the temptation of Nicki Epstein’s new book, Knitted Flowers. It’s beautiful and imaginative, as all her books are. This yarn, a merino tape, appealed to the very fiber of my being! It stunned me. “Mom, buy it!” Eva said. Who am I to argue with such wisdom? So here it is, making me happy just because it exists. It is called Tagliatelli, color “Burnt Ochre,” by Colinette.

Nicky Epstein's Knitted Flowers Book

Tagliatelli by Colinette

The children of the house have been busy. Eva (almost 11 years old) crocheted this pretty purse and lined it. She also finished a felted purse project that has been dragging on for too long. It is garter stitch, and it grew wider as she knitted. Fortunately, the accidental shaping was perfect for this little bag. She was fascinated, as I knew she would be, at the felting process. The bag is about 2/3 of its original size.

Purses by Eva

Three-and-a-half year old Ella wants to knit so much! She has made up her own brand of knitting and crocheting.. She “knitted” a sweater for a tiny teddy bear by winding the yarn around him. Here’s her latest “crochet” creation, made all by herself. It’s a fairy lollipop.

Fairy Lollipop by Ella