It’s always good to be in at the beginning of an event like the DFW Fiber Fest. The people who come are willing to try something new. The vendors were willing to give the show a chance. The crowds are small. This all makes for a very pleasant atmosphere.

crochet flower class samples

I enjoyed my own workshops thoroughly. The participants were eager to learn about the topics. The classes were mostly small, so we had time to discuss fine points of technique, tricks, and pros and cons of doing things one way or another. It was fun!

And now, student work!

Sue and Karen of that fabulous yarn shop, The Woolie Ewe, joined the Crochet Flowers and Leaves class. We made serrated leaves and Irish Crochet roses, along with a few other leaves, flowers, and tendrils. “You are teaching just what we want to know, they said, a teacher’s dream compliment.

I feel certain that next year’s polymer button class will be larger, because Greta, Jory, and Sandi showed off their finished buttons to everyone in sight. And well they should, because look how beautifully the buttons turned out!

Greta, Jory, and Sandi's handmade buttons more DFW Fiber Fest button class work

handmade buttons from my polymer button workshop

The last day, I taught Intarsia from Beginning to End, which was my largest class. We covered proper color change technique, how many bobbins or butterflies to wind, and why one should look at the big picture (or the finished sweater), before obsessing about one stitch. They knitted samples with hearts, and here are a couple:

intarsia workshop sample, almost done! another intarsia workshop sample almost done

I heard many compliments on the other classes, too. See? You need to sign up for next year! DFW Fiber Fest, April 12-15, 2007. Mark it on your calendar. Tell your friends!