Enchanted Rock Trip

This is Enchanted Rock. It is an enormous dome of pink granite rising out of the central Texas landscape. We were expecting cold, clear weather today, so we took the girls there for a climb. Believe me, it’s better to do it in the cold rather than the heat! We knew our ten-year-old, Eva, could climb to the top, but we weren’t sure about Ella, who is three. Ella wanted to be with Eva, climb rocks with Eva, hide in rocky tunnels with Eva, sit by the little pools with Eva. In short, she made it to the top—a six-tenths mile walk and a rise of 425 feet!

Enchanted Rock Trip Enchanted Rock Trip
Enchanted Rock Trip

Here are some views, including lichen on a boulder, cactus, girls at one of the pools, and other plants that have taken over one of the water-gathering depressions, looking out into the distance. The wind was blowing hard at the summit. Down near the parking lot, where we had our picnic lunch, the weather was perfect.

Knitting on Our Enchanted Rock Trip

So what does this have to do with knitting? I knitted on my Team Italy project most of the way there and back. It’s looking good!

antique shopping in Llano antique shopping in Llano

antique shopping in Llano

We visited an antique store in the town of Llano on the way back. This little footstool peeked out from under a table. The top is knitted with crochet around the edge, attached to a padded piece of plywood, and trimmed with pom-pom fringe. The legs are attached to the wood with screws. Twenty-eight dollars.

I covered a stool with knitting, when we lived in England. We used to find nice pieces of furniture in skips, which are low dumpsters. Low, meaning that you can easily see into them, and pick out good stuff. Here it is:

English stool with knitted upholstery

At the same shop, we saw these shelves, with edges trimmed in buttons. Very cute!

 antique shopping in Llano