Crocheted Rafflesia Flowers

My daughters reread their past issues of Highlights for Children, so copies of the magazine are often sprinkled around the house. I admit I reread them, too, and always look for the hidden pictures. It’s such a fun publication.

In the spring of 2011 I was working hard to finish the last few designs for Crochet Garden. The deadline loomed. The large and unusual flower called Rafflesia was on my list as a possibility for the book. “Should I make a Rafflesia?” I asked myself again and again.

To delay having to answer my own question, I opened the nearest copy of Highlights. And there was an article called “This Flower Stinks!” about the Rafflesia.

I felt this was a sign that I should definitely make the Rafflesia. My version doesn’t stink, thank goodness. If you make it from bulky yarn, you can use it as a bowl for candies! I call mine Rafflesita, because it is a much smaller version of the original flower.

Thank you, Highlights!

Crocheted Rafflesia Flowers