Valentine hoofprints in the snow, by Eva

Oh. My. Gosh. These last few months have been very busy for me! Our earthen house-building project has become intensely busy, and I think we will be able to move in by summer. And I’m writing another book.

Valentine bag, by Ella

With all this activity, some of my projects are sliding, and unfortunately, one of them is writing for my blogs. I hope to be posting more frequently and regularly by the beginning of June. In the meantime, please have a look at our progress on the house. Update in 2021: I’m still adding old posts to my new blog, so come back and check on the earthen house, every now and then.

Sorg Valentine

My daughter Eva photographed the heart-shaped cow hoof-prints. My daughter Ella made the lovely yarn, button, and pompom Valentine’s Day bag. The flowery heart belongs to my Mom. A young man in her home village of Sorg, Germany, made many of these little sweetnesses as tokens for skiers, and gave her one.

crocheted hearts