Firewheels in oil pastel, by Suzann

Here’s a bouquet of one of our lovely Texas wildflowers, the Firewheel, for all Mothers! Especially mine!

The Firewheel is also known as Indian Blanket and Gaillardia. We love Firewheels at our house.

I considered naming one of our children after this flower. But that wasn’t to be, so we named our dog Firewheel. It suits him!

Find instructions for a crocheted Firewheel on pages 83-84 of Crochet Bouquet. Here is a correction for that pattern:

Fire Wheel, page 84, add a “(” (shown in bold below) before the word “insert”

Rnd 2: *Ch 7, (sl st-picot) 4 times; yarn over (2 loops on hook), skip next picot, (insert…

crocheted and real Firewheels

Bu örgü Teksas’ta çiçek var, adı “Fırewheel.” Türkçe’de “ateş tekerlekin.”

Eine gehäkelte texanische Blume, “Firewheel” genannt; auf Deutsch, “Feuer Rad.” (Ist das richtig, meine liebe Mutti?)