Road Trip Knitter

We’re back and mostly recovered from our trip to Colorado and the Estes Park Wool Market. Colorado is a delight to the eyes with its stunning scenery. However, the best sight I saw on the trip was in our own back seat. Here’s Ella, knitting a blanket for her cousin.

She asked, “How much more do I have to knit?” for a blanket which would cover her cousin from neck to toe. It’s so interesting to see how young kids perceive size and time and space.

After lots more knitting on the trip, the piece is about ten inches long. If I can talk Ella into it, we may change the project to a pillow, and her knitting will be just about done.

As we approached Estes Park, I announced, “I’m going to buy only one skein of yarn at the Wool Market.” For some reason, Charles seemed surprised.

The one skein of yarn would be Brooks Farm Yarns’s Duet, a blend of Texas wool and mohair, to go with the sage/brown/gold Duet we recently wound into balls.

new colors of Duet

Eva took a crocheted sample over to the Brooks Farm Yarn booth and previewed the possibilities for me. She found several reasonable choices, but the shades-of-green yarn looked best. When we went together, I agreed with her.

But red-orange-gold combination appealed to us, too.

You already know the outcome of the story, I’m sure. We came home with both skeins.

Eva, on the other hand, did not show as much restraint in buying yarn. Ah well. She is young, and must build a stash of her own.