Jerry and Van working on the earthen house

Last year about this time, the extremely efficient, thorough, and excellent builder, Callon Ratliff, agreed to finish the inside of our earthen house.

Before Callon could start installing windows and framing inside walls, my efficient, thorough, and excellent family team had prepared the house for drying-in. This is why, as related in the previous post, we worked in the cold and rain to finish the bond beam. Callon would soon be free to work on the house, so we had to hurry, hurry, hurry!

Van cuts angle steel to prepare for drying-in

The finished bond-beam covered the south, west, and about two-thirds of the north walls of the house. Once it was cured, Jerry and Van attached angled sheet metal to the bond beam and the eaves. Callon and his crew attached M-panel sheet metal to the angles to span the area between the eaves and bond beam. My favorite part was when they closed in the western gable end.

Now the gable end is open.

Earthen house gable end open

Now the gable end is closed!

Earthen house gable end closed