Dotty Knit House

Here’s a little coaster knitted in the mosaic technique, which I prefer to call Dotty Knitting. The whole thing is about 4 x 4.5 inches. It needs blocking, but I couldn’t wait to share it, because it’s so cute!

Once you know how, it’s pretty easy to chart a picture or fancy motif in the mosaic knitting style. And then away you go, knitting a house. If only building a house were as easy, I’m sure I could have knitted several good-sized houses by now.

hefty weld plate

Speaking of houses, here is a weld plate. My foot is in the picture to give you an idea of scale. It is a big, burly weld plate. Weld plates are embedded in the foundation of a building. Our house will have a metal roof, supported by pipes which will be welded to these weld plates.

The original weld plates were too wimpy, according to my cousin Jerry, who is advising us as we build the house. The mere sight of my foot would have sent them scuttling away in fright, on their too-short and skinny little hooks. Only they didn’t even have real hooks, but l-shaped rods instead. Pah. We showed them.

antelope horns milkweed

While heavy machinery and beefy weld plates dominate one part of our lot, this interesting flower is growing on another. It’s a milkweed called Antelope Horns.

Who loves to eat milkweed? Monarch butterflies! I hope some monarch momma will lay her eggs on our Antelope Horns someday.