I knitted seaweed and coral last night. Now I have a much better idea of what I will need to complete the sample. I will re-knit the bright green seaweed. It was supposed to look more like the dull green, but I made the center rib too wide and the other sts too narrow.

The orange pieces didn’t turn out the way I expected. The dull orange is too close to beige, so I’m going to look for another orange. Luckily, the knitting on these goes really fast. Just cast on 4 on the Ultimate Sweater Machine, hang a claw weight on the four sts, and knit for a few minutes. The narrow stockinette st band rolls in on itself for a faux i-cord. (Design workshop participants, here’s another opportunity to get a little ahead in the workshop!)

Art Knitting Workshop Sample

The holey piece is for squat, sponge-like objects. I knitted a piece with the top background colors so I could make some ‘pebbles’ and other raised elements. See the magenta rows in these two pieces? After I secure the sts on either side of the magenta, I will cut along the magenta row to separate pieces. This saves time casting on for each little piece of knitting.

When I make wall-hangings, I do just like this: knit or crochet a few of the embellishments, just to get going. Once I see how they look on the background, I have a much better idea how to proceed. I rarely get it right the first time.

On Sunday, I’ll post newly-knitted seaweeds, and other embellishments, and I hope to have started composing with the pieces I already made.