crocheted daffodil doily

Reader Carol N. of Montana, USA, writes

Hi Suzann,

I bought your book Crochet Bouquet. I thought you might find it interesting that the daffodil doily you mentioned was featured on Clark’s J&P Coats Book No. 258 dated 1949. Just yesterday I bought this book and other vintage crochet books at a thrift store. This doily is the one on the cover. There are many other very beautiful flower doileys featured in the 15 page book.

I may make one myself!

vintage Star crochet books

Thank you, Carol! I had never seen a doily like that until I bought it at an antiques store in Comanche, Texas. It’s an unusual doily, and I’m glad to know where to find the pattern.

crocheted pansy doily

While I was working on Crochet Bouquet, I found inspiration from vintage crochet books, like the old books shown here, which were published by the Star Thread Company. The patterns are so pretty.

Pansy doilies are a great favorite. Between us, my mother and I have several. This one looks new, but it is crocheted from an old pattern.

One thing is for sure: people love flowers, and they’ve been crocheting them for a long time.