As Seen on TV!

Stranded checks on the knitting machine. Sounds good. Are they payable to me? Are they written for large amounts? What? Oh. It seems the checks on the knitting machine are knitted checks with the unused yarn going across the wrong side of the work, i.e., stranded. It...

East and North Walls

With Mud Daubers Fred and Art working full-time on the east and north walls of our earthen home, they rose amazingly fast! Rachel and I helped at first, then left all the sifting and lifting, mixing and mudding to Fred, Art, and the rest of Callon’s crew. They...

House Graffiti

Once the rooms of our earthen house were defined by walls, I labeled the girls’ rooms, hoping to make more real to them the possibility of having their own spaces. Inspired by my work, Eva added her artistry to the master bedroom floor. There’s something...