by Suzann Thompson | Apr 6, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Doily Adventure, Exhibits & Programs, Life, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
At our 2015 Dublin Rippers quilting retreat, my friend Donna challenged us. She had a black plastic bag full of fabric. We had to close our eyes and reach into the bag. We had until the next year’s retreat to make something from the fabric we drew from the bag....
by Suzann Thompson | Mar 30, 2017 | Art Quilt, Crochet, Crochet Bouquet, Crochet Garden, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
It’s great to have a stash of ready-crocheted flowers, because you may need them for a wall hanging. Here’s a rundown of the crocheted flowers in Winterling. Flower Number 1: In the summer of 2006, I pitched a book idea to Lark Crafts, a subsidiary of...
by Suzann Thompson | Mar 26, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Knitting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
It’s a good thing that arranging crocheted flowers is so much fun, because I had to try many different arrangements before finding my favorite for Winterling. Here are a few: Hmmm. Yeah, the white flowers seem too startlingly bright. For the next try, I took the...
by Suzann Thompson | Mar 25, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Doily Adventure, Quilting and Crafting, Retro Blog Post, Texas Crochet Heritage, TextileFusion
Thank you to Amy and Donna of for inviting me to join this year’s National Crochet Month blog tour! This is a wonderful thing they do, in addition to providing an internet home for crocheters all year round. Today, the love of crochet ties...
by Suzann Thompson | Mar 9, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Crochet, Knitting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
The Zwiebelmuster design is full of flowers, leaves, stems, and curlicues. They can all be crocheted, appliqued, beaded, and embroidered. So that’s what I did, and it took some time. You know from reading the earlier post about the Winterling wall hanging, that...
by Suzann Thompson | Feb 24, 2017 | Art Quilt, Celebrate Doilies, Doily Adventure, Knitting, Retro Blog Post, TextileFusion
My sweet friend Hazel gave me a cardigan she bought years ago in Scotland. It was a pretty example of Fair Isle knitting, done with raglan sleeves. Thank you, Hazel! The star pattern put me in a wintery, snowy frame of mind, and luckily there were just enough complete...