Creepy Crawly Foolishness

Nine-year-old Eva has loved insects and other creepy-crawlies since she was a toddler in England. She made elaborate snail houses and playscapes for the many snails she imported into our garden, and their progeny. She fed them old lettuce, and sometimes fresh lettuce,...

Just for Me

I couldn’t take my eyes off a beautiful Japanese yarn called Diakeito, Diamusee Fine, at Lea-Ann McGregor’s Knitting Today shop in northern Indiana. The color I liked is two-ply. Each ply is shaded browns with a tiny bit of burnt orange and a smidgen of...


We have friends visiting from England. It’s fun, but there’s not much time for knitting. Nevertheless, I’m making progress on my ReKAL vest. On the subject of recycling, my brother gave me a cotton blend cardigan with color patterns in it. It will...