September Wall Building

September and our northwest wall started about the same time. See the tab that sticks away from the wall, behind the small pallet of bricks? It is one side of a divider-wall that will join its larger counterpart over an arch later on. My brothers Eric and Van and...

Mud on the Walls

“All right, guys,” said my cousin Jerry, “it’s time for a pie run.” “Yay!” said Eva, clapping her hands. “I love pie!” Poor girl. She soon found out that Jerry wanted them to pick up the cow patties from our dirt...

Well, Well, Well Houses

To practice our earthen brick-laying and plastering technique, we built a well-house. Our rock foundation, about 5 x 7 feet on the inside, rests on top of a concrete foundation that we dug by hand. The first layer of earthen block is always the hardest to lay, because...