cape with flowers from Crochet Bouquet

I can hardly wait to visit Showers of Flowers, a fabulous yarn store in Lakewood, Colorado, near Denver. I’ll be signing books there on Tuesday, June 10, from about 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

How perfect is that?! Signing a book about crocheted flowers at a shop called Showers of Flowers!

People keep telling me how great Showers of Flowers is. It’s amazingly big. It’s comfy. Sharon, the owner, says she never does anything halfway. It’s going to be fun!

I’m going to bring lots of flowers and projects from the Crochet Bouquet, and some that didn’t make it into the book. You’ll see the wonderful flower cape, modeled here by my daughter, Eva.

And I’ll be announcing our first Crochet Along.

Hope to see you there!

For more information, call the store at 1-800-825-2569.