yellow seveness vest

I finished something, finally. Eva’s yellow vest, which doubles as a sample for my next INKnitters article, is done! I darned in the last few ends and sewed on the buttons during a pleasant visit to the Coffee Studio, with Ella and my mom. Now I need to organize my thoughts for the article, and figure out how many more yellow samples to make.

Last week was completely lost on me and Ella. We were sick in bed with fever and other uncomfortable symptoms. When I took Eva to school on Monday, I looked around and saw a world of green! The fields and the trees burst into life in a few short days (well, short for them, but long for suffering invalids).

In spite of our dry months last year, a few wildflowers are blooming. My girls picked these for me. These are mostly different kinds of paintbrushes, with a winecup and a few other little flowers. I love spring.

Indian and prairie paintbrushes