dotty knit churro rug all done but the felting

Borders are just amazing! With its mitered border and lovely corded trim, my churro rug looks very, very handsome. Yes, that’s the best word for it. Handsome.

Ella wrapped the finished rug around her waist, struck a pose, and said, “Mom, you need to knit me a dress with that same pattern.” In softer yarn, it would be a perfect lap blanket.

glorious corner

But now we enter the great unknown. It’s time to felt the rug. As I write, hot water is filling the washing machine, where my rug is sandwiched between a brown towel and some dark sheets. I learned my lesson when felting the swatch:

Never felt dark colors with white laundry!

the fateful load of laundry

There were white pills all over the surface of the felt, which took ages to pick off. Luckily, with the addition of a little vinegar to the wash, color bleeding wasn’t a problem.

In a half-hour or so, we’ll know the truth. Did the rug felt well? Stay tuned.