a simple crocheted poppy

This simple crocheted poppy is none other than the large “Fancy Five” on page 24 of Crochet Bouquet. While not exactly botanically correct, it gets the idea across.

If you want a more realistic poppy, try the one on pages 65-66 of Crochet Bouquet. The pattern is more involved, but well worth the time.

You will need

  • Crochet Bouquet
  • scraps of red and black yarn of the same weight
  • a crochet hook appropriate for the size of yarn you are using (see pages 9-10 for guidance)
  • a yard of metallic gold thread
  • a round, black button for the flower center
  • tapestry needle, thread to sew on button
  1. With black yarn, crochet Rnd 1 of Large Fancy Five. Cut thread after the end of the round.
  2. Join red yarn and work this corrected Rnd 2: *Ch 3, (slst-picot, tr, slst-picot) in same st as join, (tr, slst-picot, tr, slst-picot) in next st, (tr, slst-picot, ch 3, sl st) in next st, ch 1, sc in ch-3 space, ch 1, sl st in next tr. Repeat from * 4 more times (5 petals with 5 slst-picots each). Fasten off.
  3. Darn in ends.
  4. With metallic yarn, make three long stitches from the flower center toward the edge of each black “petal” as shown in photo.
  5. Sew button at center of flower.

a simple crocheted poppy