Several members of the Dallas Hand Knitters Guild showed off finished Circumnavigated Cardigans at their September 2007 meeting. The cardigans fit beautifully. I wanted one!

A Seveness Circumnavigated Cardigan

The Circumnavigated Cardigan, by Medrith Glover, was published many years ago in Knitter’s magazine. She now sells the pattern through the mail. The pattern fits well, because Medrith explains how to figure the pattern based on the knitter’s own measurements.

It has sweatshirt-style pockets in front that are knitted and joined up as you go. The pattern is written so that you don’t have to sew any seams. That’s my kind of pattern!

My Circumnavigated Cardigan is going to be Seveness Brown. Seveness stands for “Suzann’s Sensational Similar Shade Scrap Stripe System.” Seven Ss. Seveness! It’s a way use up lots of leftover yarns, and the resulting knitted fabric is softly striated to look kind of agate-like.

Here it is so far. The pink is a removable cast-on. It seems like a lot of stitches, doesn’t it?! They include all the body stitches and the stitches for the pockets at the front. When the pockets are long enough, you fold them back and knit the pocket stitches together with the body stitches. At some point, you remove the provisional cast on and knit the pockets and body together at the bottom, too. It’s very clever!